I don't mean to gloat or be on a high horse, but I really don't have problems learning. I think that's what that is insinuating. I read and write well, I don't usually struggle with math, science has always been a favorite of mine, I can communicate well with others, I work well in groups. That's kind of why I felt this class didn't have much to offer me. Coming in to Butler this semester I already had 24 butler hours from dual-credit High School courses and just classes from traveling instructors. So I was already familiar with the pipeline and how to navigate it well. I also knew that the library was searchable online. I really grasp theories well, abstract thoughts and facts aren't really difficult either. Like I stated earlier, learning is something I've always been at ease with, I rather enjoy it, and it's quite frustrating when I don't learn. As far as teaching someone something? I'm not so sure, I do have trouble sometimes teaching, but usually after I get to know someone and understand their thought process that really isn't a problem at all either. I think one of my strongest skills is researching. I really hate it, but I can usually find some sources that are more obscure.
Honestly, I had better never have to take a course like this again. It was painstakingly boring and trite. I don't feel I really gained anything. Technically speaking, in this certain case, I think my greatest weakness was the willpower to show up. Really, that only affects this class so I believe it to be a non-issue. I'm not really envious of anyone else in that class. I can do exactly what they can do just fine. I don't anticipate having to try to compare myself to anyone else just to find a weakness or strength. I'd call that competition rather unfair. Yet truthfully speaking, there is not really anything I need to improve on, if I had to choose something I'd say managing my time, but really, that isn't that big of a deal, I make it work. I sort of suck at organization, but that's kind of how I think, my thoughts tend to be kind of spontaneous, and abstract, which I think is a good attribute seeing as how I'm on the air. I don't really enjoy just putting this question out of it's misery, but I'm comfortable with the way I learn; it's never done me wrong and I don't believe there is really a call to change here.
What do I feel I learned? Well, I'd actually have to say the most prominent in my mind would be that presentation "batgirl" gave on research. Her presentation had several spelling and grammatical errors. I just realized right then, that maybe I need to go on to a university- like I was originally going to do. Now-don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed my time here at Butler, and have gained loads of knowledge from Mr. Swan, and in particular Mr. Hayes. This class really doesn't represent the way I work or learn. It's my black sheep. Anyway, after that day with the aforementioned presentation is when I really lost my will to show up to this class. I felt like it had nothing to offer. Not to mention the only question I missed was the one about Bat-girl, I'm only a geek not a nerd...give me a break. I do wish I could have some nice quote to put in here like
"When I was seventeen I walked into the jungle, and when I was twenty-one I walked out. And by God I was rich."that of course coming from Aurthur Miller's Death of Salesman. But I really don't feel like I gained much, if anything at all. I think I learned that sometimes classes should have more structure as to who is required, as apposed to just "everyone".
Sometimes being honest is difficult, and I know I didn't show up most of the time. But I still feel when I did I was wasting my time. The presentation that made the biggest impact on me was that research one, the one the librarian gave. However, as discussed above it was a negative impact. I just can't believe that someone who surrounds themselves with books and periodicals would make some of those errors. They just weren't like typos either. there was one I specifically remember, the one that really blew me out of the water, was using the article "a" preceding a word that began with a vowel. That's elementary. I don't know how I'm supposed to trust someone who is supposed to be helping me and guiding me through the swamp I've already traveled through in Comp I and II. That is why I don't know why I have to take this class. Seriously, I learned all about research in those classes previously mentioned. By the time you graduate High School if you don't have a grasp on your learning skills and what it takes for you to be a successful student, I would say that that person really needs to get a grip on things, that maybe they should be more in tune with themselves on not just be here for sports. A college, no matter the level, is a learning institution, and as I realize this class does help some people, I don't believe I was that enriched by this class. Sure, if I showed up more, maybe I would've gotten more out of it, but I don't think so, which is why I've sort of blown this class off.
I don't have a problem with the way this was taught, just the fact that I had to take it. I've mentioned it at least once before, I had good grades in High School, A's and B's, and already had 24 Butler hours before I graduated High School. This included at least 4 research papers, how to write a research proposal, and how to have time to manage all of those classes amongst my busy and full schedule. I think that whoever made this class mandatory should reconsider, let there be certain ways to get out of it, a benchmark GPA, X number of hours, take a test to get out of it, or maybe a letter of recommendation. I really feel like my time was wasted, and even though it was only an hour credit I could've filled that spot with something more meaningful and worthwhile towards where I think my future is moving. If someone is struggling with learning or has never taken college coursework before, then yes, this is a great program for them, but for people in situations like mine, I don't believe it to be worthwhile. It's not like it's a bad class or anything. I just wasn't enriched by it, and to me, if I can't motivate myself to go, I don't care to ponder what would have happened had I chose to attend more. I feel disappointed it worked out that way, but I really just can't motivate myself to waste my time. The way the class is presented is fine, it's just the content that lacks and is boring.
I can't really say what I would want other people to know, I just know that it didn't do much for me. So prepare to trudge through lessons you probably already know and take some time to work on the homework when you should already have a grasp on it. It's a shame though. I think that many people could get a lot out of this course, but I don't really see it being a benefactor to that many students here at Butler. Maybe I'm wrong and maybe I'm the one exception. I like to think not. I do however think that it would help many people to better understand the power of networking both internet and intranet styles are used in this class and I think that's important. I would also reccomend that they should be in tune with the way things work in cyber-space, or prepare to learn quickly. Not enough people can navigate computers well enough to function properly in today's society. I think that this course could help with that.
I can't really answer the last question. This class is the only one that I haven't cared about and didn't gain hardly anything from, if anything at all. I do feel bad saying that, but it is the absolute truth. I guess what I can take out of this is maybe forcing my will power to be able to shine when it really isn't there. To get the rock up the hill, even if the reason isn't apparent. I probably should have done that for this course. My faith has taught me that. Even if something seems pointless God has a plan for it. However, God isn't a staff at Butler and therefore I have no idea why I was required to take this course. That is what I need to get out of this class, even if I don't enjoy something I have to go anyway-like my job, which I always show up to on time and work hard, even though I loathe it. Seems to me that this class almost tries to make you have life lessons. If it was a coming of age novel it would take the very end and try to push it towards the front. It would ruin the book. You can't make someone understand a life experience without that EXPERIENCE. I think this is a good example of a school overstepping the boundaries that should be set in place. School is not a qualified substitute for life and the many experiences associated with it. Too many times do people say they know something, but really, they just read it in a book. They don't truly know it. That's what life is, a bunch of ups and downs, joys and sorrows, and we have to learn when to take what action to keep the train moving at a steady and tactful pace down the track that is life.
(title from Elton John)
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