Wednesday, December 5, 2007

"Feed the babies that don't have enough to eat...

...Shoe the children
With no shoes on their feet
House the people
Livin in the street
Oh, oh, theres a solution"

Famous words from the great Steve Miller. Fly Like an Eagle was written in 1976. This iconic and well known song describing problems that should have been taken care of long ago, hence the "time keeps on slippin'..." Miller was saying 'get it done'. Yet these issues, of child abuse/deprivation, poverty and homelessness are still a cause for concern in modern America. This is an issue that has arisen through the current Presidential campaigns. Sen. Barack Obama (Ill.-D) has an experienced past, as he worked in inner Chicago for years helping the less fortunate neighborhoods. Read more here.
THIS is why it is a serious issue, even though the article is kind of dated. It is our job to help our fellow Americans. Those who are not as financially fortunate as others could still donate time at local organizations such as community centers or The Lord's Diner in Wichita.
The time to help is now, the time to help is then, the time to help will be always. Everyday someone will need your help. Just donate your old shoes, pick up an extra package of Ramen Noodles to donate. Give a blanket to the local shelter. Maybe, you could just give a few hours of your time to lend a helping hand and help those less fortunate know that there is still HOPE for them.
From one of the most powerful, moving, and uniting speeches in modern political history "The Audacity of Hope" - Sen. Barack Obama:
"Hope -- Hope in the face of difficulty. Hope in the face of uncertainty. The audacity of hope!"

Read, listen or watch the full speech here: American Rhetoric

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